Wisdom's Garden, LLC
Integrity, Trust, & Excellence
The Roles Coach 
Live Your Dreams

Helping You - Create Your Future
Making Your Problems Obsolete

About Us

What is coaching?

     Philosophically I like coaching because it views the client as a healthy person who acts reasonably given their personality, background, and knowledge of the situation. (This contrasts with therapy which assumes the person is ill.) In coaching we look at where you are now, where you would like to be, and how to get you from here to there. In this sense it's action oriented.

     Coaching empowers you by: holding you accountable, teaching new skills, providing a third party perspective, and identifying/eliminating limiting beliefs. Coaching works best when you're open to new perspectives and looking for change. You've read this far. Take the next step and contact us for a free consultation.

How did I decide to become The Roles Coach?
     For as long as I can remember friends have come to me to discuss their relationships. Sometimes they wanted to discretely share a story. Sometimes they wanted advice, and sometimes  they wanted to explore other perspectives before making their decision. I always felt honored that I was the one person they trusted.

     Back in 2005 my then wife and I split. It's one thing to have perspective on other people's relationships, it's another to be successful in your own. Near the end of our relationship I started spending lots of time studying everything I could on relationships and the roles we play. I learned a lot, including most of what's out there approaches relationships in ways that sound good, but don't work. I'm happy to say while that marriage ended, we're still friends and help one another. Continually drawing on all I've learned, I'm currently in a healthy long term relationship. My experiences have also proven very helpful when it comes to helping others.
     I've always been interested in people. Over the years I've studied the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Reiss Motivational Profile, Spiral Dynamics, and more. When I  took my first coaching class a few years ago, it was for my personal interest, at the time I had no intent to actually coach for a living.
     Then in 2010 I did some soul searching and realized how much I enjoy working with people and helping them solve their problems. Around the same time I had some encounters where I had the opportunity to help people I didn't know. From there everything fell into place and I decided to coach people professionally.