Wisdom's Garden, LLC
Integrity, Trust, & Excellence
The Roles Coach 
Live Your Dreams

Helping You - Create Your Future
True Solutions Exist Independent of the Original Problem


What can you do for me?
First, describe your life as it is now. Second, describe your life as you feel should be. Would you appreciate help bridging the gap?
Contact Us to set up a free consultation.

What's the difference between coaching and therapy?
The biggest difference is philosophical. A therapist assumes you're sick. A coach assumes you are healthy and act reasonably given your personality, understanding, and situation. A coach will work with you by looking at where you are, where you want to be, and how to get from here to there.

How do we meet for a coaching session?

Coaching sessions are typically held over the phone. 

I work and can't meet during the day.
That's ok. We can schedule evening appointments.